join us for open house on march 11 at 6 pm

- Ones
- Our five- day Ones class provides routine and exploration in a language- rich environment for children ages 12 months to two years. This class focuses on encouraging children to make connections with friends and teachers and explore their surroundings. We provide one-on-one time between students and teachers, typically through art and sensory activities. We allow children the space to engage in free play while working on basic sharing and communication skills.
- Twos and Threes
- Our Preschool classes for two- and three-year-olds offer learning experiences that vary throughout the day. Group learning time focuses on letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. Science is taught through exploration of the world around us, and includes learning about plants, animals, and weather. This class focuses on encouraging children to make connections with friends and teachers, sharing and turn taking skills, and exploring their surroundings.
- Pre-Kindergarten
- The Pre-Kindergarten day is filled with language arts, math concepts, art, learning centers, music, technology, and more! Our small class size allows for more personal instruction time than the larger Georgia Pre-K classes. The classroom teachers assess each student to ensure that their individual learning needs are met and that they progress at their own pace. Our Pre- Kindergarten curriculum focuses on pre- reading, math, and science concepts in the context of exploration and open- ended activities. At the beginning of the day, students participate in a large- group circle time which focuses on social development. During the day, students also participate in one- on- one time with teachers where each child works on their individual learning needs. Learning centers allow students to work on a variety of skills including language arts, math and science concepts, art, and social skills. Our focus is on kindergarten readiness.
- Kindergarten
- Our school offers one of the few half-day kindergarten programs in Gwinnett. While we do follow state of Georgia Performance Standards as well as Gwinnett County's Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) guidelines, many parents find that our schedule is preferable to the 7 hour day of public school kindergartens. Because each child brings to the classroom his or her own unique set of skills and abilities, our program allows the teacher to individualize instruction as needed, offering challenges as well as remediation. Our Kindergarten class focuses on reading, writing, math, science, art, music and language. Daily routine consists of circle time that focuses on social development; centers that allow learning in student- led activities; and one- on- one and small group reading, writing, and math learning. Teachers provide instruction that is individual- based and tailored to each child in the classroom to ensure they receive an educational foundation that will carry them through their educational careers. The kindergarten year is concluded with a cap and gown ceremony to mark this milestone in your child's life and to celebrate their achievement!
- K - 5th Grade Homeschool Hybrid Program
- Discover the best of both worlds! Click here to learn more.
- Stem/Steam
- STEM represents the combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. The inclusion of the Arts to the STEM core subjects is essential to encouraging creative and critical thinking skills for young children. STEAM activities support curiosity, creativity, and innovative thinking. All classes participate in age-appropriate STEM/STEAM activities within their regular classroom setting.
- Literacy Center
- Students will have opportunities to visit the literacy center weekly. We believe early exposure to literacy lends to a lifelong love of reading, crucial to developing reading skills. Pre-K and Kindergarten classes will have the opportunity to check out themed "Book Bags" to take home. We also host parents and grandparents as guest readers throughout the year.
- Music
- Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language and overall literacy. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. At Kidsnett preschool this is a crucial part of our curriculum and aids in learning across every age group.
- Art
- Art is a method for students to learn through exploration and creativity. Art strengthens critical thinking, problem- solving, and perspective. Our art program will focus on new materials each week, giving students new tools to create artwork. We will use different mediums, such as crayons, pens, pencils, paints, oils, watercolor, and chalk. We will also learn to make our own mediums around things we find in nature and learn how to create art pieces with simple items in our environment.
- Spanish
- Pre-K and Kindergarten students participate in Spanish class weekly. Learning about latino culture as well as simple spanish vocabulary through song and dance will broadens their view of the world around them. A year-end FIESTA celebration will help conclude their learning.
- Chapel
- Weekly chapel is an opportunity for children to learn about God and His great love for us. Bible stories, Memory verses, and songs help bring the Word to life in a fun and active way. We want our students to learn that God made them, they are special and Jesus loves them!