Our Mission: Nations Experiencing Transformation Together
How we do it? By drawing the unchurched and dechurched into a beloved community that reflects the diversity of our school systems. Why we do it? We believe that by impacting the lives of individuals they will influence the cities where they live.

Our Core Values
LOVE - We believe in a church that loves God and loves people.
GRACE - We believe in a church where forgiveness can meet everyone.
INTEGRITY - We believe in a church that is loyal to God's kingdom.
DIVERSITY - We believe in a church that reflects Heaven on earth.
DISCIPLESHIP - We believe in a church where everyone is on a journey.
TRANSFORMATION - We believe in a church that is a catalyst in our city.
GRACE - We believe in a church where forgiveness can meet everyone.
INTEGRITY - We believe in a church that is loyal to God's kingdom.
DIVERSITY - We believe in a church that reflects Heaven on earth.
DISCIPLESHIP - We believe in a church where everyone is on a journey.
TRANSFORMATION - We believe in a church that is a catalyst in our city.