Mission Sunday | domingo de MISIÓN

February 23
23 de febrero

Mark your calendar for Sunday, February 23rd, as we dedicate this special day to spreading joy and companionship to the elderly in our community.

Marquen sus calendarios el domingo 23 de febrero, cuando dedicaremos este día especial a compartir alegría y compañerismo a los ancianos en nuestra comunidad.

Our Mission Sunday activities will take place at several assisted living facilities, where we’ll spend quality time engaging with residents. From playing card games and assembling puzzles to lively rounds of bingo, our goal is to bring smiles, laughter, and connection. Each facility will have a dedicated Nett Team leader to guide and support volunteers.

Las actividades del domingo de misión se llevarán a cabo en varios hogares de ancianos. Pasaremos tiempo con ellos, jugando juegos de cartas, haciendo rompecabezas y bingo. Nuestra meta es traer sonrisas, y risas y conección con ellos. Cada grupo será guiado por un líder que dirigirá al grupo y apoyará a los voluntarios. 

Use this link to register to the facility that you prefer.
Use este enlace para inscribirse para ir al hogar de ancianos que prefiera. 

Mission Sunday: The Church has Left the Building.

Once a month we set aside the weekly worship routine to focus on impacting others through special outreach events. Past events have included partnering with local co-ops, collecting funds to support international food relief, and hosting community events all across the county.

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