Why we do it? We believe that by impacting the lives of individuals they will influence the cities where they live.
How we do it? By drawing the unchurched and dechurched into a beloved community that reflects the diversity of our school systems. We also do this through nurture, outreach, and worship.
How we do it? By drawing the unchurched and dechurched into a beloved community that reflects the diversity of our school systems. We also do this through nurture, outreach, and worship.
We encourage emotionally healthy spirituality, biblical literacy, commitment to reconciliation, and missional living.
We believe that living out our faith means responding to the needs of our local and global community.
We craft unique experiences of eclectic music, visual and creative arts, and powerful teaching to draw closer to God.

Rev. Dr. Nora Colemaneres
Lead Pastor
Lead Pastor
Welcome to The Nett
Our Mission: Nations Experiencing Transformation Together.
School systems, sports associations and recreational parks have found the way to gather children and families together regardless their race. Yet churches have found the way to still keep children and families segregated based on the pigmentation of people’s skins. It is a matter of integrity to the gospel of Jesus Christ that churches across America reflect on Sunday mornings the diversity that exists within the school systems from Monday through Friday.