connett groups
No one should be on their faith journey alone. We strongly believe in the importance of having a village that will walk with you through the storms and through the joys in life. It is through connection with others and with God that gives us the guidance to get through the challenges in life. Faith is not meant to be lived out alone, rather, in community with one another. Even Jesus says where, “where two or more are gathered in my name, I am with them”.
Everyone should be connected! ConNett Groups is that opportunity for you to further connection! Fill out the information in the link below so we can get you connected in a ConNett Group!
Everyone should be connected! ConNett Groups is that opportunity for you to further connection! Fill out the information in the link below so we can get you connected in a ConNett Group!

what are connett groups?
Each ConNett group will be an intentional and intimate community designed for connection; connecting with others and connecting with God. You will be placed in a group based on geography and life-stage. For every gathering there will be discussion questions based on the month’s sermon series to allow deeper dialogue and growth with one another. There is beauty in breaking bread with one another, therefore, each ConNett Group gathering will be based around a time of breaking bread. There will be a ConNett Group leader for each group that will facilitate the gatherings but we are asking that each member/family will take turns hosting!
How often do we gather?
There will be two ConNett Group gatherings a month. Time/Day will be determined collectively as a group based on what works best for your ConNett Group!
What does it mean to break bread together?
“Breaking bread” can be done in so many ways! It can be a full on meal, desserts, tea, coffee, etc! The intention behind the element of breaking bread is having fellowship with one another, therefore, it can be done in whatever way works for you!
What if I do not have the space to host?
All of our campuses will be available for hosting!
What if it is financially challenging to host?
Feeding people, especially in today’s economy is a challenge that we are well aware of. Therefore, feel free to let your ConNett Group leader or Pastor Woo know and assistance will be provided!
Is it ever too late to join a ConNett Group?
It is never too late to join a ConNett Group! If you are new to The Nett or just haven’t gotten plugged in yet just fill out the form below and we will know to get you in a group!
We have our YouthNett Babysitters that can be available for any gatherings that may need childcare!
There will be two ConNett Group gatherings a month. Time/Day will be determined collectively as a group based on what works best for your ConNett Group!
What does it mean to break bread together?
“Breaking bread” can be done in so many ways! It can be a full on meal, desserts, tea, coffee, etc! The intention behind the element of breaking bread is having fellowship with one another, therefore, it can be done in whatever way works for you!
What if I do not have the space to host?
All of our campuses will be available for hosting!
What if it is financially challenging to host?
Feeding people, especially in today’s economy is a challenge that we are well aware of. Therefore, feel free to let your ConNett Group leader or Pastor Woo know and assistance will be provided!
Is it ever too late to join a ConNett Group?
It is never too late to join a ConNett Group! If you are new to The Nett or just haven’t gotten plugged in yet just fill out the form below and we will know to get you in a group!
We have our YouthNett Babysitters that can be available for any gatherings that may need childcare!