Nett Church Car Wash

Mission Sunday, Sept. 27, 2020
Four locations:  Lawrenceville Co-Op,
Bethesda Elementary,
Nett Berkmar Campus
and Lilburn Co-op.

Please Take our
1 page SURVEY

Tell us your Car Wash story!
Let us know how you heard about it and how we might improve it.

Lawrenceville Co-Op Car Wash Site

Judy Wood, Site Team Leader
"People were very pleased that we were not taking donations.  One lady had tears saying that not many people were doing anything for free these days. "

Bethesda Elementary Car Wash

Sandy Williams, Site Team Leader

Lilburn Co-Op Car Wash

Dave and Debbie Owen, Site Team Leaders

Berkmar Campus Car Wash

Jeri Jones, Site Team Leader

From the Survey:  "Met a man, new to Georgia and based on his experience, he wanted to join us at the Nett. He was pleased to see a community of believers serving others with the expectation of gaining nothing in return. "

Mission Sunday
at the Nett Church

One Sunday a month, we close our church doors and go into the Community to serve our neighbors.   This Car Wash event was our Mission Sunday for September, 2020.