ElderCare VISITS

Agenda/Event Schedule     Second Saturdays    10:30am - 12:15pm
10:30 Team members arrive and sign-in, sanitize hands
10:30-11:00 we do planned, in-room visits (in pairs) and mingle and chat with residents in the Atrium.   First-time volunteers read the safety procedures (below.)  Delmar Gardens staff will be bringing residents to the Dining Room.
11:00 - 12:00  Group Visit!  Songs, Games, Videos, FUN!   Help the residents participate.
12:00 - 12:15  Lunch setup starts. Take group team photo, say goodbyes.

IN-ROOM & Group visits - details

10:30AM  As you arrive, sign in at the nurses station in the atrium and sanitize your hands.  If this is your first time, Janice or Bill will review the "Delmar Facility and Nett Safety Guidelines" (bottom of this page) with you before engaging residents.  You may be assigned to do in-room visits, in pairs. You can also mingle and chat with any residents sitting in the Atrium area or Dining Room (and invite them to the group event!)
11:00AM  For our Group Visit, Delmar Gardens staff will set up residents in front of the big screen TV in the dining room.   Team leaders will operate a laptop computer showing the presentation,  and team members take turns leading songs and games.   We will alternate with Singalong Songs, Videos and Games for most of our group visit time, following the presentation on the TV.    Sit among the residents and help them participate.
Near the end of the group visit, we will have a brief devotional based upon a specific scripture.  We follow this with an uplifting prayer.  Team members are invited to prepare and lead this devotional time as scheduled.   This will typically be around 5 minutes.
We will close our group visit by singing well-known hymns.   
12:00PM  We stop the group visit promptly at Noon to allow the kitchen staff to begin with lunch setup.   Please feel free to continue chatting with residents, or helping with setup (moving tables, etc.)  We will take a team group photo before we leave.
12:15PM We're done!   

How YOU can Help...

- Be PROACTIVE and meet residents in the Atrium and Dining Room.  Strike up a conversation.  Introduce yourself.  Tell them about the Nett!
- Help Residents PARTICIPATE by sitting among them and encouraging them to respond to the program.
- After the Group Visit, keep interacting with Residents and make new friends.
- Volunteer to LEAD program elements.  Would you like to create and deliver the Devotional?  Lead a Prayer?  Create and narrate a Travel Video?  Lead a Sing-A-Long Song?   Have an idea or suggestion?  You can do any of these things and more, just let Bill or Janice know.   We need and encourage your creative participation!

Delmar Facility  & Nett Safety Guidelines

No germs in, no germs out.”  Wash/sanitize hands before and after each session.
Covid Masks are encouraged but not required.  Covid vaccinations are highly recommended.  
Report ANY observation or mention by resident of possible mistreatment or abuse to a team leader immediately.    This will be reported to the facility management, Nett staff, and as required by Georgia law.
Do not take any photos that include residents faces without a team leader review.  Group photos only.  No one-on-one, in-room photos.
All team members sign in when entering.  (There is often no receptionist.)  If available take and wear a name tag sticker, and sanitize hands.
Do not visit residents in their rooms without permission by Delmar staff, and then only in pairs of team members.   Do not close the door during the visit.
You may engage and chat with residents individually in open areas; hallways, atrium, dining room and patio.
First-time Team volunteers will review these safety guidelines as they arrive, meet our team leaders and the Delmar Gardens staff liaison for that visit.
REGULAR (repeat) team members & leaders are asked to complete the Delmar Gardens Volunteer Form and receive Nett Safe Sanctuaries training.