welcome to the bridge

a netttween ministry

The Bridge is a unique monthly ministry designed to offer life skills and character development workshops for 4th through 7th-grade students. Life skills and character development workshops help students develop essential skills and qualities that contribute to their personal growth. They learn to become more self-aware, build confidence, and develop a positive self-image. These workshops provide a foundation to become well-rounded individuals. Personal Growth, Social Skills,  Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, Leadership, and Teamwork are a few targeted skills that equip students with the necessary tools to navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and build meaningful relationships. The Bridge meets every first Sunday of the month from 11 am to 12 pm at our Berkmar Campus, Building B.

Need to get in contact with us? Email kidsnett@thenettchurch.com.

safe sanctuary

The Nett Church believes that God calls us to make our churches safe places, protecting children, youth, and other vulnerable persons from abuse. God calls us to create faith communities where children and adults grow safe and strong. Safe Sanctuaries is our response to this church-wide challenge. All Nett Ministries adhere to the Two Adult Rule: Every group of children, youth, and vulnerable adults should be supervised by two non-related adults. All Nett Ministry Leaders serving in any ministry involving children, youth, and vulnerable adults are mandated to attend an annual Safe Sanctuaries training and consent to a background check. For more information on Safe Sanctuaries please visit https://www.ngumc.org/safesanctuaries.